It's not unusual. A reporter reviews a Catholic comic. But they add a confession. They don't know a lot about comics.
I don't blame them. In fact, I commend them. They are being honest. That's hard to find in today's media climate. But it begs the question: Will there ever be anyone who knows something about comics… reviewing Catholic comics?
What attempts have Catholic comics publishers made to have their books reviewed by sources that know something about comics? Do they see such an effort as a waste of time and resources? If so, I don't blame them.
I can't imagine The Comics Journal, CBR or Comic Watch reviewing a Catholic comic. And, if they did, I can't imagine it being in any way other than to say, in so many words, “I hate Catholicism.”
So, on one hand, you have Catholic sources that review Catholic comics, though they don't know much about comics. And, on the other hand, you have secular sources that know a lot about comics, but wouldn't touch Catholic comics with a ten foot pole. I say it's necessary to have something in between. That's the mission of this blog.
My goal is to write good reviews of Catholic comics. This will not mean that every review will be a glowing review. I make Catholic comics myself. I know, first hand, that constructive criticism is helpful. It's the way to make better comics. And, by making better comics, we can give greater Glory to God. And, maybe, we can attract others to The Faith along the way.
I'll do my best with this.
If you can do better, send me an email and maybe you can write some reviews for this site.
If you want to send me something to review, email me.
-George Tautkus
It's about time XD